Does your…
- company need a Software Engineer who speaks and reads Japanese?
- company need an experienced Accountant who can communicate with corporate headquarters in Japan?
- company need Translators and Administrative Assistants who can facilitate communication between Japanese and American Engineers?
- company have a Japanese office? Do you need a Sales and Marketing Manager who has expertise in particular products in the Japanese market?
Let us help you find the right candidates!
In today’s business world, recruiting the right person is increasingly difficult. The challenge is even more daunting for multinational companies and businesses competing in the global marketplace who require high quality managers, technical professionals and support staff with multi-lingual capabilities, international experience, and the ability to fit into your existing corporate culture.
CSI offers the following advantages for our clients:
- Our recruiters (all of them are bilingual themselves) have extensive experience in selecting qualified candidates with the right skills and personalities for your workplace.
- We can help you locate and select the right candidate quickly and efficiently, utilizing our contacts throughout the U.S. and Japan and our international database.
- Our talented candidates are drawn from locations across the United States and Japan.
- Our network of potential candidates generally includes a wide range of professionals (Network Engineers, Accounting Specialists, Mechanical Engineers, and Sales Executives, to name a few) in addition to candidates for a wide range of non-professional positions such as Administrative Assistants or Sales Support Staff. A range of qualifications and experience is available.
All consultations are undertaken as confidential assignments and are free of charge until a candidate is placed in your organization.